Sumpter Clarke
Hey y’all, my name is Sumpter Clarke. I’m proudly born and raised in South Carolina and have always had a love for people, the outdoors, and God’s beautiful creation. I’m grateful to have had opportunities to travel and work around the world, giving myself the ability to experience numerous adventures as well as meet wonderful people from different cultures and regions.
Throughout my personal travels and adventures, I tend to find myself lost from time to time. There is a beauty in it that many aren’t aware of. This is where I like to think i get my inspiration from. Being sumpwhere lost in the outdoors.
I graduated from The Citadel - Military College of South Carolina, which allowed me to spend time on the coast, fishing and hunting while at school. From getting salt water in my hair while living in the Florida Keys, to riding bulls while working jobs out west in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains, to traveling abroad throughout Europe, my love for using a camera and drone has only grown, along with my adventures.
This site will show some of the photos and videos I have taken the past few years.
If you’re looking to chronicle and capture your next adventure, hunting/fishing trip, family gathering or have a big idea in mind, hit the “contact” tab on the top of the page to get in touch! I look forward to hearing from y’all, thanks for stopping in!